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  • Christie Varner

PJS #001: Is your Business GPS set for SUCCESS?

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

In today's issue of Profit & Joy Simplified, I'm going to show you how to create a CUSTOM vision of success.

You might be asking yourself, "Why would I spend time working on that manifestation stuff? This won't help me increase profits", but that's not entirely true.

You can increase profits in your business and end up sacrificing a lot of things along the way.

Things in life you never meant to sacrifice.

Unfortunately, the challenge for most of us is getting focused on what we actually want to achieve so that we take the right strategic action steps to accomplish it.

1 clear custom vision of your success is better than 200 other people's visions of what your success could be.

Picture the 200 visions of success you don't care about in terms of taking a road trip in your car:

  • You'll get somewhere if you just get in a car and drive without setting your GPS for a destination, but was it where you wanted to end up?

  • Even if you end up where you wanted to go, did Waze direct you through a zillion extra turns?

  • Just because someone said a ski trip was the ultimate destination, did you arrive there forgetting you hate to be cold?

That's why adopting someone else's vision of success never works. Even if it's someone else you admire. It's why you'll nearly always end up frustrated!

Grab your fave beverage & let's discuss a much better method:

Step 1: Visualize Successful You

When we know what we want, we are far more likely to achieve it.

  • Find a place to lie down (yes all the way down!) where you won't be distracted

  • Close your eyes, clear your mind, relax your body, and see yourself walking into a room 5 years from now meeting Successful You. Really see & interact in your mind with this you.

    • What's your countenance?

    • What are your relationships like?

    • What's your business like?

    • How much do you work?

    • Where do you live?

    • How much do you travel?

    • What do you wear? What car do you drive?

The key here is to really let yourself embrace this and see this new version of who you are becoming. You should start to feel excited & motivated that you CAN live the life of Successful You.

It's ok if it feels a little odd at first. It did to me too.

Step 2: Write it down! JOURNAL IT!

Many stop right here with a goal and then go on with their life. Research shows we are 42% more likely to achieve things we write down.

So grab a blank piece of paper (or open a document on the computer) and just write. Write down everything about Successful "You" just as fast as it flows out.

Some prompts to get ya started:

Were you peaceful? Making it home for dinner? Vacationing? Working 60 hours a week or more like 40 or even 20? Enjoying accomplishments in your business? Creating a positive culture with your employees?

If that Successful You were to tell you what made life so great, what would Successful You be telling today's you?

Don't judge anything that comes into your mind. This is for you. It's your dream and will be your motivation. We work for things we care about.

Step 3: Keep Successful You top of mind

You can absolutely achieve Successful You. I started my own practice of this 5 years ago. I am not exactly like the 5-year vision, but I'm a whole lot closer.

Some quick ideas to keep it prominent in your mind:

  • Daily 2-minute meditation meeting that Successful You

  • Save "Successful Christie" (your name!) as the wallpaper on your phone, computer, etc.

  • Read your journaled Successful You page before you set your tasks for the day

  • Come up with a word or phrase that instantly takes you back to that vision and incorporate it into your life

Now that you know where you actually want to end up, you'll have a much easier time saying no to distractions, detours & Other People's Opinions (OPO) of the ultimate destination.

It's a lot easier to create a plan for how to achieve success when we know what the success we want to achieve actually looks like.

That's it for today.

What are you still doing here? Go get to work on that custom vision of Successful You - and then send me an email to let me know how it went. I'd love to hear from you.

See ya again next week!




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